Friday, June 03, 2005
Useful functions related with Collations
--Find the collation of the current server
select serverproperty ('collation')
--Find the collation of a particular database
select convert(sysname,databasepropertyex('Northwind','Collation'))
--Find the collation of the current database
select databasepropertyex(db_name(),'Collation')
--Find collation of all columns in a table
use pubs
select name, collation from syscolumns (nolock) where [id]=object_id('Titles')
--Find all collation available in SQL Server
select * from ::fn_helpcollations()
--Find the collation of the current server
select serverproperty ('collation')
--Find the collation of a particular database
select convert(sysname,databasepropertyex('Northwind','Collation'))
--Find the collation of the current database
select databasepropertyex(db_name(),'Collation')
--Find collation of all columns in a table
use pubs
select name, collation from syscolumns (nolock) where [id]=object_id('Titles')
--Find all collation available in SQL Server
select * from ::fn_helpcollations()